
01793 686486


Open from 10am Tues - Sat

Closed Mondays & Sundays

Please note that under 18's are not allowed in the Clinic & you must be 18 or over to be treated.
Please note that under 18’s are not allowed in the Clinic & you must be 18 or over to be treated.

Q. How does it work?

The laser is set on a specific wave length to target the colour(s) in your tattoo, and then converts light into heat energy. This is fired onto the tattoo, and the light heats up and shatters the ink particles. Your body then treats these ink particles as a waste product, and clears them away and flushes them out of your body.

Laser Tattoo Removal Before & After Picture1

Q. Is it safe?

Yes! Although there are risks – as with all treatments – these are minimal, and when the aftercare advice we give you is adhered to these are greatly reduced. Thanks to newer technology, laser tattoo removal has become much more effective with very little risk of scarring. Laser treatment is often safer than many traditional methods such as excision, dermabrasion or salabrasion (using moist gauze pads saturated with a salt solution to abrade the tattooed area) because of its unique ability to selectively treat pigment involved in the tattoo. Our practitioners are extremely experienced in Laser application, and tattoo removal to ensure your safety and satisfaction.

Q. Will it scar me?
In our experience, laser tattoo removal hasn’t caused scarring. Rarely, textural changes have been reported. If the tattoo artist scarred you when applying the tattoo (often by going too deep with the needle, or ‘dragging’ the needle when in the skin) then this can become more apparent when the ink is faded.

Q. How many treatments will I need?

This is really impossible to answer without seeing the tattoo, and assessing your medical history and skin. Even then, until we treat the tattoo we are unable to guarantee how many treatments you could need. The average is between 6-10 treatments for maximum fading – but it could be more or less than this.

Factors which affect the amount of treatment/s required are:

  • The location
  • The age of the tattoo
  • Any scarring evident within the tattoo
  • The colour/s used

Q. Can I have the tattoo covered with another tattoo?

Yes! We often provide partial fading of tattoos prior to what is known as a ‘cover up’. Cover up tattoos can be applied usually after just a few laser treatments. For cover up options, please see

Q. Can anyone be treated?

LaserTattoo removal
Anyone over the age of 18 can be treated, but there are some contra-indications. These include:

  • Photosensitive Epilepsy
  • Pregnancy or Breast Feeding
  • Communicable Diseases (such as hepatitis, HIV or AIDs)
  • Some medications may also pose a complication to treatment. For all questions, please contact us for advice

Q. What colours can be treated?

Most colours can be treated. The easiest colours to treat are black, blue and red. We also achieve effective fading with oranges, purples, pinks and yellows. However, laser treatment is ineffective with white ink as there isn’t any pigment for the laser to target. Although clinical papers exist showing fading of green ink with the laser we use, we regret that we have little evidence of this ourselves.

Q. Does the age of the tattoo make a difference?

Not really. Tattoos that are already partially faded through time might fade quicker than ‘fresher’ tattoos. Although some very old tattoos were commonly placed very deep in the skin and may therefore require more treatments than average.

Q. How soon after having a tattoo can I have treatment?

As soon as it has healed – where possible we would recommend leaving a minimum of 2 months.

Q. How often can I have treatment?

We recommend leaving a minimum of 8 weeks between treatments. Some places will allow you to come back as soon as the area has healed, or as soon as 4 weeks since your last treatment. We recommend 8 weeks, as it takes the body this long to actively remove the ink from each treatment. Fading can be seen for up to 3-4 months, although after this point the results usually ‘plateau’. If you want your tattoo removed or faded prior to a special occasion, then we would recommend treatment every 8-12 weeks. We also provide camouflage treatments – please speak to reception for more information.

Q. How long does treatment take?

This depends on the size of the tattoo, but we will be able to give you a rough estimate at consultation.

Q. Does it hurt?

It’s not something you’d do to relax! During your treatment, you will be able to use our cryo machine, which you can use to apply cold air to the area we’re treating. As the laser treatment uses heat energy, the discomfort can come from the heat used, and the cold air can help to reduce this discomfort.

Q. Why can’t I have a sun tan?

The reason we cannot treat anyone with either an active suntan, a fake tan, or a tan obtained from a sunbed is because the laser would target the colour in your skin AS WELL as the ink. This increases your risk of blistering, burning, scarring and or pigmentation changes.

Q. Is there anywhere that cannot be treated?

Yes, we cannot treat any internal areas – for example eyes or lips. Please note – the area immediately surrounding the eye is unsuitable for treatment.

Laser Tattoo Removal Before & After Pictures 2

For more information, please Call: 01793 686486, Email: or Pop in and see us!