
01793 686486


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Laser hair Removal
We offer a wide range of laser treatments, using the latest and safest technologies. For more information on specific treatments please contact us. For special offers and the latest news please see our Facebook page.

All our nurses and aestheticians are experienced in laser/IPL treatments and hold the BTEC Award in Laser/IPL.

Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal is safe, fast and very effective. Recent advances in Laser technology have made it possible to permanently reduce unwanted hair quickly and easily. The Laser Clinic have invested in the very latest advanced hand pieces on both of our lasers – not only does this reduce the amount of treatments required but this gives us even more power for those stubborn hairs and we can specifically target dark blonde, auburn and finer less pigmented hair than previously possible.

Using our state of the art Lumina system, almost everyone is a good candidate for hair removal; you do not need to apply creams or gels to the area before treatment, you also do not need to grow the hair before it being treated which so many people find difficult with waxing.

lynton laser lumina

We have specialised in hair removal for many years and have witnessed first hand the change it can make to people’s’ lives. As Nurses, we respect your privacy and dignity at all times and we can assure you of our professionalism.

We can promise clinically proven results using Lynton Lasers (award winners 2008). Laser hair removal produces excellent long-term results and is suitable for both men and women. On average, up to 40% reduction of unwanted hair is achieved after each laser treatment. Suitable for most skin types. We don’t believe in rushing our clients and we take our time to ensure that you fully understand the treatment, prices, and the outcome of each treatment. Don’t cover your legs – ensure they are hair free!

FAQs Laser Hair Removal & Laser & IPL Information (Opens in new window.)

Thread Veins

We use intense Pulsed Light (IPL) to provide a long term solution to facial problems such as red flushing (Rosacea), thread veins and red spots with minimal downtime or risk in just a few quick and easy treatments.

Both IPL and Laser systems emit light which is readily absorbed by blood vessels, heating them to a point where the are destroyed. Following treatment, the vessels quickly clear as they are reabsorbed by the body, leaving little or no trace of the original lesion.

Most red skin lesions including facial thread veins, Rosacea, spider naevi, port wine stains are treated with IPL. For IPL treatment a thin layer of chilled gel is applied to the skin to aid light absorption by the vessel. The light applicator is then placed on the skin and a short pulse of light is released. The applicator is then moved to the neighbouring area and the process is repeated until the entire area is treated. The chilled gel is removed and the area cooled. During treatment, protective eye wear will be provided.

Treatment is suitable for most people, however, best results are obtained for those with fair skin, and there is less chance of side effects. If for any reason you are unsuitable for laser treatment, you may want to opt for treatment of Facial Thread Veins using Advanced Cosmetic Procedures. Treatment is mildly uncomfortable but there is no need for anaesthesia and the procedure is actually quite quick. Sensations vary, but most describe it as a very quick hot pinprick. After treatment the area may feel warm for a few hours. Rarely some delicate skin areas such as the cheeks or décolleté can be red and slightly swollen for up to 48 hours. Though very rare, there is a chance a small blister may form and there could be temporary lightening or darkening of the skin.

Treatments typically take from 15 to 45 minutes, depending on the type and size of lesion. Typically 3 to 5 treatments are needed for maximum results, though small lesions may clear in just a single session. Repeat treatments are spaced every 4 to 6 weeks. Prior to treatment you must first undergo a consultation where details about your medical history are obtained in order to confirm suitability. Before proceeding you will be asked to sign a consent form and undergo a test patch. For more information please contact us.

Pigmented Lesions

Pigmented lesions such as age spots or freckles can be successfully lightened or removed with Laser or Intense Pulsed Light (IPL). Birthmarks and other deeper, larger areas of pigmentation can be successfully treated with our Q-Switched Laser system. All of these treatments are non-invasive, suitable for both the face and body and will result in a more even skin tone.

IPL systems release short pulses of filtered light that is readily absorbed by the high concentration of melanin found within freckles, sun spots or liver spots. The rapid absorption of light energy heats the melanin and cause the destruction of the melanin-rich cells. With IPL treatments a layer of chilled gel is applied to the treatment area. The light applicator is placed on the skin and a short pulse of light is released. The applicator is then moved to the neighbouring area and the process is repeated until the entire area is treated. The chilled gel is removed and the area cooled. No gel is required for the Q-Switched Laser treatments, however, due to the power of the Laser energy delivered into the skin, a small amount of pinpoint bleeding may occur during the treatment, and a dressing may be applied after the treatment to protect the skin while it heals. During treatment protective eyewear will be provided.

Most people are suitable for treatment except for very dark-skinned or tanned individuals. However, large, dark, mottled or raised pigmentation cannot be treated and may need to be checked by a dermatologist. Large dark moles should not be treated, nor should lesions covering a large part of the body. The pigmented marks that respond the best are superficial lesions such as those caused by sun damage (sun spots) and freckles. If for any reason you are unsuitable for laser treatment, you may want to consider treatment with Advanced Cosmetic Procedures – Skin imperfections

Most patients describe the discomfort as mild and tolerable and no anaesthesia is required. The treated area may feel warm and sensitive for the first few days post treatment. With IPL treatment the lesions will darken and may appear more obvious before they fade and ‘flake’ away. With laser treatment an initial whitening of the area is seen which quickly fades and the pigment gradually fades over the following few weeks.

The skin that surrounds the pigmented lesions may become red immediately after treatment. Most people experience no other side effects and the redness usually disappears within hours to a few days. Very rarely a small blister may form or the skin may become temporarily lighter or darker. The length of each treatment will depend on the type and size of lesion present, but a typical session will take 10 to 30 minutes.

The number of treatments will depend on the type and size of the pigmented lesion but typically 1 to 3 sessions are required at 4 to 6 week intervals. Prior to treatment you must first undergo a consultation where details about your medical history are obtained in order to confirm suitability. Before proceeding you will be asked to sign a consent form and undergo a test patch. For more information please contact us.

Acne Treatment

Acne is a skin condition that results in inflammatory and non-inflammatory lesions. There are many forms of acne and acne-related conditions, which affect many age groups at different stages of their life, not just teenagers. Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treatment is designed to speed up cell renewal which will help to control the break outs and unblock the pores, making your skin look clearer and smoother. Acne is a disorder of the skin’s sebaceous glands that affects over 80% of the population aged between 14-30. Although commonly considered to be an adolescent problem, 25% of people affected by acne in their teens will go on to develop permanent scars. Mild facial peels with Jan Marini and a course of IPL treatment with the Lumina Intense Pulsed light system will not only help to control your break outs but will also improve the texture of your skin by increasing your collagen production and will also help to diminish any scarring present.

Book yourself a free, no obligation consultation with one our experienced team, you will be given expert advise and advised the best form of treatment for you, this may not always be laser treatment, come and see us, we are here to help.

Mild facial peels are well established as a method of controlling acne. The system consists of intense light that is emitted in a series of short pulses. The yellow light emitted by the system destroys the bacteria that causes acne, while the red light directly targets the overactive sebaceous glands that cause acne. This heats the glands and appears to help prevent the production of excess sebum.

Redness and slight burning sensation are normal after treatment. Any redness generally dies down within 30 minutes, but some people may remain red for up to 24 hours. Cool air can be applied to the skin to ease these symptoms. Treatments are recommended every 2-4 weeks. For optimum results a Jan Marini facial peel can be done in between treatments. The actual number of sessions needed varies from person to person, but usually 3-6 treatments are carried out, with top-up sessions as required.

The visible light is completely safe so no special precautions are needed apart from glasses to protect your eyes from the brightness. The skin of some clients becomes quite red immediately after treatment. However, most clients experience no side effects and the described skin reactions usually disappear within hours to a few days. Mild hyper or hypo pigmentation may occur from time to time but this usually fades within a short period of time. It is essential that during a course of treatment, the skin is not exposed to sun light without the protection of a high factor sun screen. Small blisters rarely occur, but provided these are not interfered with, they will cause no adverse after effects. There are some positive side effects as well as acne reduction, many people find that their skin texture and tone dramatically improves. Prices quoted are for IPL treatment. If combined with a peel please ask for prices at consultation. For more information please contact us.

Tattoo Removal

Laser Tattoo Removal can provide a safe and effective way to fade away tattoos of various size and colour. Not all lasers are the same and not just any laser can safely remove tattoos. We Use Award-Winning Equipment from the UK’s No.1 Laser/IPL Brand – Lynton. Here at The Laser Clinic, we invest heavily in the equipment we use to treat our clients, ensuring only the safest and most clinically effective treatments, each and every time. This ethos helped when deciding on our laser/IPL provider, Lynton – a specialist aesthetic technologies manufacturer made up of the largest team of UK-based doctors, scientists & aestheticians.

Lynton have an outstanding reputation for supplying medical-grade laser & IPL technologies to an extensive list of high-profile clients, including the NHS and numerous private health care facilities around the UK. Lynton devices are considered by many doctors, dermatologist and aestheticians as the most effective, safe and reliable option when treating a wide range of different aesthetic treatments.

The Laser Clinic has the most advanced active Q-Switch laser – the only type of laser that is clinically effective for Tattoo Removal. Q-Switched Lasers that generate a high-powered beam of laser light in an extremely short pulse are the most suitable lasers for Tattoo Removal treatments. The very short pulse of high-powered laser light is absorbed by the tattoo ink particles, breaking them down into smaller pieces, enabling your natural immune defences to absorb and disperse the ink. A gradual fading of the tattoo occurs over a series of treatments.

Each tattoo is different and the reason for removal is different: sometimes a reduction is required prior to a cover up with a fresher, more modern tattoo. Whatever your reason for wanting Tattoo Removal treatment, we are able to offer our clinical expertise and our understanding. We offer a high level of service and professionalism and can offer our technical and medical expertise, whilst being sympathetic and responsive to your needs. We endeavour to explain everything to you, and we do not make outrageous claims or promises. We aim to explain the entire process so that you understand why and what we do to get you the best and safest results possible. We will ensure that you are as comfortable as possible before, during, and after the procedure.

Tattoos consist of multiple types, your treatment plan and results differ depending on your individual tattoo. Small black Indian ink tattoos are commonly the easiest to remove as they are not normally put too deep in the skin. The deeper the ink has been placed into the skin the more difficult it is for the laser to break down said ink. As well as the more layers of ink that have been applied into the skin the harder the laser has to work to break down the ink so more treatments will be needed than the average tattoo. For the average tattoo around 12 treatments are needed for a good fade, but please be aware that this is an average and we cannot guarantee this for every client or every tattoo.

Tattoo Removal at The Laser Clinic is spaced a minimum of every eight weeks to allow time for the treatment area to heal sufficiently and to allow the tattoo to fade as much as possible before the next treatment.

Please be aware that we can treat most coloured inks apart from green ink. Any tattoos that include green ink will require different lasers for successful treatment. Single-colour tattoos usually respond best to Tattoo Removal. Multi-coloured, professional tattoos can more difficult to eradicate completely. Black, red and orange colours in the tattoo respond best to treatment, but yellow, blue and purple inks can be more difficult.

With the growing popularity of Semi-Permanent Makeup there is also a growing popularity of Laser Tattoo Removal to fade unwanted Semi-Permanent Makeup ink. In some cases, we are happy to treat Semi-Permanent ink depending on the colour used. Please be aware that we will not treat any red/pink colours used in lip liner or areola as the ink will vaporise and become darker. We are happy for clients to book a Free Consultation to discuss treatment options and whether we would recommend treatment for them.

You don’t have to put up with that tattoo for a lifetime, at consultation we will assess your tattoo, and in the majority of cases, Laser Tattoo Removal will be recommended. For more information please contact us.

FAQs Laser Tattoo Removal (Opens in new window.)


Redness, red veins and rosacea are a common problem, particularly in Celtic fair skins.

Some people just have a few small broken vessels round the nose, cheeks and chin are common areas. Whilst others may have a red appearance with episodes of red flushing, this is more likely to be rosacea, with other symptoms such as:

• burning and stinging sensations
• permanent redness
• spots (papules and pustules)
• small blood vessels in the skin becoming visible

Rosacea is a relapsing condition, which means there are periods when symptoms are particularly bad, followed by periods when the condition is less severe.

Many of the symptoms of red veins and rosacea can be controlled with treatments such as Laser.

Depending on the severity of the Rosacea an average of 3 – 5 treatments are recommended.

Skin Rejuvenation

Skin Rejuvenation Treatment helps give the skin a younger and fresher appearance. Reducing fine lines and wrinkles and removing discolouration.

We use intense Pulsed Light (IPL) to provide Skin Rejuvenation. Precisely controlled short pulses of light are released that target discolouration (brown and red lesions) to create a more youthful, even complexion. In addition, this light results in the stimulation of the fibroblast cells, leading to increased production of new collagen and elastin. This improves the texture of the skin, evening out lumps and bumps whilst reducing the appearance of lines and wrinkles.

The sensation of the treatment can be mildly uncomfortable, but no anaesthesia is required, and most people describe the discomfort as moderate and acceptable, not unlike a quick pin prick and warm feeling.

The skin may be quite red and slightly swollen after treatment, but this usually subsides quickly. Very rarely a small blister may form and there can be temporary lightening or darkening of the skin. However, most people experience no side effects and any skin reaction usually disappears within a few hours.

After the treatment you should expect redness and a slight warming sensation. Cold air is applied after the treatment to help cool the skin. You may see a darkening of any pigmented spots before they flake off, leading to a more even skin tone. Tightening of the skin should increase over the following months as new collagen is produced within the dermis.

Treatments are carried out every 4 – 6 weeks and 6 treatments are recommended for best results. Thereafter, top-up sessions are performed as required, but typically once or twice a year.